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Submission Period Extended until July 15th for Horror Anthology! SEND US YOUR POEMS!

We have decided to extend the deadline of our submission period until July 15th, 2018!

Now you have an extra two weeks to get your horror inspired poems to us!

Remember, we are looking for poems written in response to the horror, literature, mythology, folklore, general horror tropes, etc.

Send your poems as an attached word document to with the subject header: HORROR ANTHOLOGY SUBMISSION.

We've gotten some amazing poems, but could always use more. We could certainly use YOURS!

Don't let this deadline pass you by. Haha. Dead. Horror. Ha!

In the meantime, check out this poem by Laurel Ann Bogen to get you in the mood.

Also Frankenstein

Because he was mine the thing I’d made screamed

when he felt the light

- Lawrence Raab

Behemoth I called him

he, too, was mine

clumsy and large

oddly endearing.

He wanted so to please me

brought me crystal and tissue

it was all the same to him

gifts from the Magi

or coffee filters.

I wanted more

from my own creation —

was that wrong?

I wanted the stellar

and black cosmos.

I wanted illusion.

I wanted —

dare I say it —


Certainly he was devoted

he had not choice

I filled his hours

with marvels of my humanity

his rooms with my grandiose longing

But he wasn’t content

with my mythology

my reasoning

the folly of Icarus

flew before me

Still I gave in

I opened the thin edge

of the wedge

stood before him

trembling and radiant

I reached inside my chest

Here is where it burns

And here

And here

My thin hands

held that cold pale light

it glittered with a blue flame

and flecked with ice.

from Psychosis in the Produce Department: New and Selected Poems, 1975-2015 (Red Hen Press)

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