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Just in Time for Easter! Vince Trimboli's THE BOOK OF RABBITS Is Available for Pre-Order!

Moon Tide Press is proud to announce one of its two upcoming releases which will be available in May: Vince Trimboli's chapbook The Book of Rabbits! If you pre-order before May 15th, you will enjoy FREE SHIPPING!

Click HERE to pre-order or on the link below:

What is The Book of Rabbits about," you ask?

Somewhere between a research project and a concise study of loneliness, The Book of Rabbits examines the heartbreaking brevity of sadness and seclusion. Through the retelling of the famed medical hoax surrounding the life of Mary Toft and her curious case of birthing rabbits, this collection of poems strives to answer the singular question of, “why is it, when some people put their bodies on the line is it called heroic and when others do the same, it is considered an act of lunacy?” Vince Trimboli’s collection of poetry lives between the worlds of 1700’s Surry England and current day Appalachia, focusing in on the intersection of poverty, mental health, illiteracy, privilege, and the lengths we are willing to go to escape them.

What do others have to say about the book, you ask?

A grisly, gossamer fairy tale of aberrant birth, shimmering meats, and poverty in a land of plenty. Rare is the poet who sees fire opals in a case of deli meats.

— Catherine Venable Moore, author of Book of the Dead

Vince Trimboli’s The Book of Rabbits is a strange, all-consuming world of dualities that draws you in and chews you up. These lyric, enchanting poems are of two minds, as he writes in “First Dream” — “Science, that says a body is for producing. / Devotion, which is to say roses are for smelling. / Existential theory observed under bleachers.” Trimboli joins a long lineage of eco-poets, from Emily Dickinson to Jack Collom, and suspends us in “the promise of a storm / that never came,” until we are “looking for the center of something.” Trimboli de-centers us, and we are the better for it.

— D. Gilson, Author of Dc Talk’s Jesus Freakand Brit Lit

The Book of Rabbitsis stunning. Vince Trimboli's poems are treasures—complex, tender, and gorgeously raw. I was utterly transfixed by this collection. Read this.

— Kayla Rae Whitaker, Author of The Animators

Don't miss out on getting this book of poems in your hands as soon as possible AND with FREE SHIPPING until May 15th!

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