Alexandra Umlas's Debut Collection AT THE TABLE OF THE UNKNOWN Is Almost Here! Pre-Order for FRE

Moon Tide Press is beyond thrilled to be publishing Alexandra Umlas's debut collection of poems, At the Table of the Unknown. This collection confirms that the possibility for poetry is everywhere. These poems are clear, open-eyed, and harvested from two decades of writing about everything from the echoing feeling of loss to the gritty strangeness of parenthood. Here, language is harnessed, sometimes by formal elements, and sometimes by its own energy, to explore what it means to be alive today.
At the Table of the Unknown is just days from going into print, so it's the perfect time to pre-order a copy if you haven't done so yet! Ordering before June 15th gets you FREE SHIPPING! This book deserves a spot on your shelf. Don't take our word for it. See what these other fine poets are saying about it:
The poems in Alexandra Umlas’s debut collection At the Table of the Unknown are deft, attentive, and often turn the quotidian into moments steeped in mystery. She is a compassionate and honest poet, one equipped with ingenuity and wit. Readers, expect to be surprised as Umlas shows us a world “holding itself out to us, slice / after astonishing slice.”
— David Hernandez, author of Dear, Sincerely
What joy opening a first poetry collection to find a fully realized, compelling work of art. The terrain of At the Table of the Unknownis the predictability and surprise of daily life under the shadow of its possible interruption. I think of Tess Gallagher’s essay, “The Poem as a Reservoir for Grief,” in which she lauds poetry’s ability to return one to the experience of grief in search of its transformation. In “Villanelle for Victor,” Alexandra Umlas has found the perfect form for cradling grief and making something from it. In “Work,” a crown of sonnets, Umlas gives quotidian life its due: the work of letting go, the work of loss/that travels through the body/weaves across/the workings of the heart, the way it cleaves—/that work that gets inside and never leaves.At the Table of the Unknownis a luminous debut.
— Donna Hilbert, author of Gravity: New & Selected Poems
Alex Umlas’s At the Table of the Unknown is a first book of extraordinary maturity in both subject matter and craft. Equally adept at both formal and free verse, Umlas invites us to a feast of delicious sounds and images that reveal the so-called “ordinary” to be anything but. At the Table of the Unknown heralds the arrival of a delightful new voice in American poetry.
—Charles Harper Webb, author of Sidebend World and A Million MFAs Are Not Enough
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